Monday, March 5, 2012

The Worship Experiment: Take 2

I began writing blog entry entitled "Take 1" on Saturday, March 3, 2012 and decided I would continue it later, but I chose to start a new entry today on Sunday, March 4, 2012. Today, as I am worshipping in choir at WPC, Paulo speaks a word and he says he doesn’t know who it was for...but he continued and his words were exactly for me. I didn’t know that I was walking with condemnation, but I knew I wasn’t walking in freedom. So when he said “there is a difference between conviction and condemnation”, I knew the word was for me because it wasn’t like other words I’ve heard about condemnation, but he explained to the core how I have been feeling and I experienced so much freedom through the power of God that morning. Pastor Mark’s teaching about feeling overwhelmed and choosing to come to Jesus with our burdens for rest..........ahhh I  can’t even explain it, I just want to experience all over again.

I am excited about this journey with my mates because I have already gained so much understanding of my purpose and am motivated to learn and develop myself as a minister of God. What I have gained so far is the following:

  1.  The best teacher and co-labourers in this journey (haha I had to say it);
  2. I have begun to think of music differently as I am listening to it. I listen for different elements in the song and try to understand what the artist is feeling or trying to achieve;
  3. I have bought more music of artists I just heard about to broaden my musical awareness;
  4. My personal worship time has allowed God to remind me about who I am, something He kind of wasn’t able to do because I wasn’t drawing near to Him J
  5.  I feel free and pumped and ready for the journey;
  6. I am able to see direction in my current career now that I have let go of my burdens;
  7. I feel like now I have permission to speak out, whereas I didn’t feel that way before. I knew I had authority in me, just didn’t give myself permission to use it;
  8.  I am learning boundaries which is something huge to me;
  9.  Most of all, I have a clear vision of the love that surrounds me. I used to think people were bothering me...but I don’t see it that way anymore. I was bothering myself by thinking like a fool.

So here’s to a year full of experimenting, learning, leaning, taking risks and challenges, talking to more people I don’t know, talking to more people about things no one wants to talk about, and seek out the truth in Jesus according to God’s word.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you're on this journey with us. Praise God for all the revelation that he is bringing about in your life!!
